Student Transitions

Empowering blind and partially sighted students to make the most of the key moments in their education

From starting secondary school through to entering employment, we want to support you in approaching the key transitional stages of your education as a blind or partially sighted student. Whether you’re in secondary school, attending college or sixth form, starting university or thinking about employability, we can provide you with the information, advice and support you need to move through mainstream education.

This year, we are holding several online events that will address three key topics to aid you in transitioning to the next stage of your education:

  • #SocialEyes – socialising and social wellbeing.
  • #FutureVision – forward and future planning.
  • #SeeMe – self-advocacy and confidence.

We will be holding three events for each of these topics, one for each stage of education: secondary school, college/sixth form and university. So, regardless of where you are currently in your education journey, there will be an event for you!

We kicked things off with our #SocialEyes events, which focused on socialising and social wellbeing. This was followed by our #FutureVision series about planning and preparing for future goals. Next up we have our #SeeMe events, keep scrolling to find out the dates and times of the sessions and get signed up! 

#SeeMe events

Our #SeeMe series has been designed to support you as a blind or partially sighted student in developing your confidence and self-advocacy skills to enable you to better engage with your studies. You will be provided with advice and guidance of how you can advocate for yourself and your needs. We will also hear from students who will be sharing their own journeys of becoming more confident, especially in communicating their vision impairment.  

For whatever stage of education you are currently in, we have the event for you!  


#SeeMe at College  

When: Monday 29th July, 6:00pm – 7:00pm  

Location: Online via Teams  

Register for the #SeeMe at College event!

If you are currently in further education, whether that be college, sixth form or an apprenticeship, we know it can be a time consisting of many changes. You might have new teachers, new peers and be going to a new place. So, it can sometimes feel scary to put yourself out there to express your needs. 

This session will support you in developing the skills you need to make the most out of this stage of education, with a particular focus on developing your confidence and self-advocacy skills. We will hear from a vision impaired student who will be sharing their experiences of further education and how their self-advocacy skills helped them to achieve their goals. 

#SeeMe at University  

When: Tuesday 27th August, 7:00pm – 8:00pm  

Location: Online via Teams  

Register for the #SeeMe at University event!

If you’re a blind or partially sighted student at or starting university, this session is for you! Going to university can be a big change consisting of new, exciting and perhaps intimidating experiences. To help you in making the most of your university experience, we will be providing you with advice and guidance so you can feel more confident in advocating for yourself and your needs at this stage in your education.  

Whether you need to make your lecturers aware of your access requirements or you’re unsure of the accessibility of a society or club you want to join, we will discuss how you might go about approaching these situations and having these conversations. You will also hear from a current university student with a vision impairment who will refer to their own experiences and how their self-advocacy skills were invaluable to them in engaging with university life.  

If you have any questions about the above events, please contact the event facilitator, Emily, on

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