
We believe that everyone should have access to vital health information and the healthcare system, but we know that this does not always happen for blind and partially sighted people.  This is why we campaign to #MakeHealthAccessible for blind and partially sighted people on two fronts.


We call for NHS England, and all health and associated social care bodies, to ensure its own new Accessible Information Standard (AIS) guarantees blind and partially sighted people will receive health information in readable formats. Read ourAIS pageto stay up to date with our latest developments.

We build on past work to make an ever-widening range of medical at home tests accessible. Read our Accessible Home Testing page to stay abreast of our work.

Read our policy positions

Preventing Avoidable Sight Loss

By 2050, a staggering 4 million people could be living with sight loss, a statistic too daunting to ignore. But here's the ray of hope: 50% of this sight loss is entirely avoidable.

Find out more about 'Preventing Avoidable Sight Loss'

Eye Care and Support Pathway

We have all the information you need and understand your options from the moment you notice problems with your eyes. We're committed to providing you with the practical and emotional resources you need to take control and navigate your diagnosis with confidence.

Find out more about 'Eye Care and Support Pathway'

Equity of Access to Health and Social Care Services

We aim to tackle the inequities faced by blind and partially sighted people when it comes to using healthcare and social services. We achieve this by working closely with a variety of stakeholders, forging strong partnerships to improve the coordination between the NHS and social care services. Our ultimate goal…

Find out more about 'Equity of Access to Health and Social Care Services'
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