A series of videos demonstrating the accessible technology blind and partially sighted people use to perform tasks in the workplace as well as their fully sighted colleagues.
Working collaboratively, we can help your organisation understand the challenges people with vision impairment face. We’ll support you in making your workplace accessible so you can benefit from the value blind and partially sighted employees bring.
Being a partner with Thomas Pocklington Trust gives you access to:
Inclusive Employershort talks
We can deliver these sessions online or in-person. Topics include:
Onboarding: This covers everything you need to do to integrate blind or partially sighted employees into your organisation.
Disclosure advice: This focuses on supporting employees if they’re worried about barriers that might stop them from doing their job or if something might change in the future.
Access to work: This session examines what practical support is available.
Reasonable adjustments: Helping you make reasonable adjustments to enable a blind or partially sighted person to work, this session covers physical adjustments, working patterns, support and training.
Get Set Progress internship
Get Set Progress provides paid internships for blind and partially sighted people to secure that first rung on the career ladder or make a return to work following a career break. The programme has been running since 2015, with 85% of interns going on to gain paid employment within six months.
An internship is a great way to welcome new talent into your organisation and provides a valuable opportunity to a blind or partially sighted person.
We also offer opportunities to help your employees understand sight loss and feel confident in supporting people who are blind or partially sighted:
We Work storytelling
Invite people with lived experience of sight loss to share their inspirational stories with your employees. We can deliver these sessions online or in-person.
In this video we hear from BT, Wired Magazine, KPMG and Intelligent Energy on the benefits of a diverse workforce, the adaptions that can be made, support for those adjustments and advice to other organisations looking to employ, specifically blind and partially sighted people.
Mark Russell works for KPMG as a manager in its inclusion diversity and social equality team. He talks about his role and career journey, the importance of a workforce reflecting society.
Vision Awareness sessions
Let your employees benefit from informative sessions tailored to your organisation. Topics include:
The importance of eyecare.
How to communicate with people with sight loss.
Being a visual guide for people who are blind or partially sighted.
From advice on workplace support for colleagues and customers to raising awareness, by working together we can help break down barriers for blind and partially sighted people.
You are welcome to add your own ideas on how you can help our cause and raise awareness. Please provide details below:
From volunteering as a sighted guide or hosting a coffee morning to signing petitions and sharing posts on social media, there are several ways you can be involved and make a real difference to the lives of blind and partially sighted people.