Uni In Sight

University is about so much more than just studying for a degree! It’s about gaining independence, taking control of your future, meeting new and diverse people, immersing yourself in a new city, honing skills and embracing new interests.

Everyone should be able to join in and benefit from all these opportunities, but barriers can make this challenging for blind and partially sighted students. With the right adjustments and understanding these barriers can be overcome. That’s why we created Uni In Sight!

Uni In Sight brings together helpful resources and advice focused on how blind and partially sighted students can experience all the amazing opportunities university has to offer outside of the lecture room.

If you are a blind or partially sighted student, we have some great advice to help you with living at universitygetting out and aboutgetting involved in sports, as well as who the professionals to support you at university are and looking after your mental health.

There are also helpful tips and advice for flatmates/housemates, friends, staff and event organisers to better understand and support a blind or partially sighted student.

Together we can build an accessible and inclusive university experience for everyone!

Get involved!

Our Uni In Sight resources have been shaped by the students we have supported through the TPT Student Support Service. That’s why we want to hear from you to help us grow and develop the Uni In Sight space.

Do you have a story to share about what made your experience at university great? Email us via studentsupport@pocklington.org.uk and tell us your story.

Thank you to Deafblind UK

We would like to say a big thank you to Deafblind UK for collaborating with us back in 2021 to form the basis of the Uni In Sight resources.

For advice and support from Deafblind UK, please take a look at their website, or contact the team by calling 0800 132320  or emailing info@deafblind.org.uk.

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