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Date posted: 14th October 2021
Thomas Pocklington Trust (TPT) has updated its popular guide ‘Lighting in and around the home: A guide to better lighting for people with visual impairment’.
First printed more than a decade ago, the guide is still the most requested publication the charity has produced.
Charles Colquhoun, CEO of Thomas Pocklington Trust, explains why: “Good lighting makes a huge difference to the lives of visually impaired people. It improves comfort and safety and can contribute to partially sighted people maintaining their independence.
“But lighting technology is evolving all the time. We want to ensure visually impaired people, their families, and professionals that support them, have the latest information on lighting. This is why we have again supported this update.”
Endorsed by the Institution of Lighting Professionals, the guide covers every part of the home and includes guidance on external lighting for safer access to and from the property. It is relevant to individual homes as well as shared and cluster type accommodation.
Peter Hodgson, Lighting Consultant and editor, said: “Last updated in 2018, this third edition reflects the latest news on the government banning halogen from this September and fluorescent technology in the near future. The guide shows that relatively simple adaptations to lighting can make a big impact on everyday activities.”
Earlier editions of the guide were aimed largely at frontline professionals, such as housing and support staff, home improvement agency staff, vision rehabilitation officers (ROVIs), eye clinic liaison officers (ECLOs) and occupational therapists (OTs). This edition is also written for blind and partially sighted people, their family members and friends.
Thomas Pocklington Trust would like to thank the Institution of Lighting Professionals for their support and endorsement of this guide.
Peter Harrison, Technical Director at the ILP, said: “Institution of Lighting Professionals is delighted to be associated with this guidance that aligns to our mantra of right light in the right place for the right amount of time.”
Find out more on the TPT website:
Hard copies are also available free of charge by contacting