Leisure and fitness stories

Read the leisure and fitness stories from blind and partially sighted people on what accessible facilities mean to them.

We also showcase venues and organisations who are getting it right.


Leisure and fitness stories from our Sight Loss Councils

Our Sight Loss Councils have been working with leisure and fitness operators to upskill their workforce and make facilities more accessible for blind and partially sighted people.  Read more below:

Wave Leisure Trust upskill their workforce

Pontefract Museum enhances accessibility

Let’s get active event helps make sport accessible in York

Visual Impairment (VI) Awareness session at Wolverhampton

Our goal is to get more people, more active, more often

Better Energise Leisure Centre in York shares with us the importance of vision awareness training and why they will be rolling out the UK Coaching toolkit to all of their staff to help make sport accessible.

Find out more about 'Our goal is to get more people, more active, more often'

Getting Involved in Sports

Find out how you can get involved in sports at university and how they can be made accessible for blind and partially sighted students!

Find out more about 'Getting Involved in Sports'

24th January 2018

Fitness equipment isn’t fit for us, say visually impaired gym users

Visually impaired (VI) find that the design of fitness equipment used in many gyms is a barrier to taking part in exercise and call for both gym operators and equipment manufacturers to provide more accessible equipment.

Find out more about 'Fitness equipment isn’t fit for us, say visually impaired gym users'

Podcast: Making sport and physical activity accessible

How leisure providers can make their facilities more inclusive? TPT's Martin Symcox hosts this episode of the Blind Spot podcast to explore this question and talk about sports with Cathy Low and Paul Ryb . Listen now.

Find out more about 'Podcast: Making sport and physical activity accessible'

Rainbow’s Story: Creating Opportunities Through Sport

Playing sport has helped Rainbow with both his confidence and mental wellbeing. Read his story!

Find out more about 'Rainbow’s Story: Creating Opportunities Through Sport'
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